Monroe Township Conservation Club


Business Address:


P.O. Box 221

Oakville, IN 47367

Will hold the annual New Years Open House on January 1st.


The club property will be open too the public starting at 9:00am.


Prizes include a main prize firearm, and lots of door prizes.


The rifle range will support a Turkey and Ham shoot.


The Clays Range will be open for 10 bird and 25 bird Trap.


Join us, re-new your membership, enjoy the fellowship, and have some fun and good food!


Remember the gate keys change New Years Day.


MTCC Activities


MTCC holds a membership day, turkey shoot, and clays shoot every year on New Years Day.


MTCC is open to the public Tuesday evenings for clays (trap & crazy quail) shooting.


Sunday afternoon clays shooting is held every other Sunday starting in the fall from Sept. thru April.


MTCC’s monthly meetings are held the first Monday of the month unless it is a holiday.


4-H Shooting Sports - held May / June


Spring Hunter Ed. Class - held in March


Fall Hunter Ed. Class - held in September


Open House Flyer



Physical Address: 2400 East 700 South, Muncie, Indiana, Lat: N40° 5.470' Long: W85° 21.498'

© 2013 - Monroe Township Conservation Club